Category: News

Press Release: Completion of PhD Research on the Performance of Silence

Leiden University, December 10, 2024, 13h00 In his dissertation, Performing Musical Silence: Markers, Gestures, and Embodiments, Guy Livingston investigates the role of silence in music performance, focusing on the relationship between notated rests and “audible” silences. Central to the research is the introduction of the concept of “markers,” which are cues—whether audible, visible, or embodied—that communicate information about silence and sound to both performers and audiences. These markers can shape or summon silence, affecting its perception and interpretation in performance. Livingston’s research is rooted in performance practice and examines the

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New Podcast about Silence (in Dutch)

‘Ssst, een podcast over stilte’ is een project van Joost van Pagée en Marieke van de Ven van audiocollectief Horens. Joost is natuurcoach en tevens stiltezoeker en beoefenaar. Marieke is geluidskunstenaar. Beiden zijn podcastmakers. ‘Ssst’ gaat over de verscheidenheid van stilte in al zijn vormen en gedaanten. Over het ontbreken van geluid, over het vinden van rust, over aandachtig luisteren, over de natuur en over de kunst van het niets doen of niets denken. Vanuit persoonlijke interesse en nieuwsgierigheid gaan de makers in gesprek met stiltekenners, kunstenaars, wetenschappers en anderen.

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Guy Livingston performs with the Zürich Ballet Under the choreographic direction of Meryl Tankard, the Zurich Ballet presents a new version of Ballet mécanique, entitled “For Hedy.” The performance is scored to music by George Antheil, arranged for piano and 64-channel electronics by Paul Lehrman and Guy Livingston; and performed at the piano by Guy Livingston. Nine performances of “Timekeepers” at the Zurich Opera House as follows:20, 21, 26 January2, 4, 9, 17, 18, 23 Februaryprogramme: For Hedy, Les Noces, Rhapsody in Blue TimekeepersThe «golden» 1920s have gone down in history as a time of ecstatic

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