Category: Programs
The Speed of Silence
The Speed of Silence (english below) McGowan en Livingston doen – naast hun bestaan als kunstenaars – artistiek onderzoek (PhD) aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ned McGowan onderzoekt het fenomeen snelheid in muziek, vanuit een uitvoerende en compositorische invalshoek. Guy Livingston onderzoekt stilte en de vele aspecten ervan, vooral in hedendaagse muziek en architectuur, en maakt daarnaast een serie podcasts over dit onderwerp. performing at Studio “The Bug”, in the former US embassy of The Hague. photo by Matilda Arvidsson Een recent concert, februari jl., tijdens het Leidse festival, Peel Slowly
/read more.../Duo with Sophie Dunèr
Sophie Dunèr and I met many years ago in Paris, through our mutual interest in George Antheil’s wacky music. Here’s a video we recorded this winter in Berlin, at SOWIESO.
/read more.../Paris 1920s
Paris is a moveable feast Ernest Hemingway It is hard not to be intrigued by the period between the two wars, in which Paris flourished, and artists thrived. Montparnasse became legendary for its café life, as expats and locals fought their fights, argued over cubism, fashion, and politics, and lived their love affairs dramatically in the public eye. Key american figures were Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and George Antheil. From the French side, Kiki of Montparnasse, Erik Satie, and Jean Cocteau fueled the passions and artisitic explorations of a generation.
/read more.../Henry Cowell, inventor, bad boy, and genius
Radio Show produced by Guy Livingston: In Search of Henry Cowell for Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Into the Music)two episodes about this maverick American composer and inventor who, despite many personal challenges (including 4 years in San Quentin prison) managed to create a fascinating and powerful body of work, ranging from magisterial American symphonies to quirky avant-garde piano works.
/read more.../Ballet Mécanique SOLO
the acme of demented modernism!—The New York Herald Ballet mécanique SOLO is an extraordinary work by composer George Antheil, arranged for solo piano and electronics by Guy Livingston and Paul Lehrman. It was commissioned by the SinusTon Festival in Magdeburg, Germany, and premièred in 2016. Further performances have been in Montréal, and at Tufts University and Brown University. Minimum technical requirements: 8 channels of sound with 8 loudspeakers; amplified grand piano; projector/beamer; screen; stage lights; mixing board. We bring laptops, MOTUs, and the newly restored film, which is 4K digital.
/read more.../Tears at The Happy Hour
I sit in one of the dives on 52nd Street… (WH Auden) Love. Lust. Longing. Loss. Libido. These are some of the themes that run through this evening of songs by Pulitzer and Grammy award-winning composer William Bolcom (1938-). In his desire to break the barrier between “serious” and popular music, Bolcom blurs the lines between cabaret, classical, music theatre and even country music in his setting of texts by Auden, e.e. cummings, Shakespeare and his long-time collaborator Arnold Weinstein. The result is a body of work which reveals a darkly
/read more.../Don’t Panic: 60 Seconds
“a feast for the eye and for the ear” — Radio 4, Holland Sixty Videos, Sixty Composers, Sixty World Premieres by and for Guy Livingston “What if 60 composers from 18 countries each wrote 60 seconds for solo piano?” Don’t Panic! Livingston handles the show with an expert vison and masterful storytelling skills. Anecdotes of composers and mishaps are mixed with insight into the very nature of time. Featured on the front page of the New York Times, in Le Monde, and on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition. “A great performance,
/read more.../Music and Architecture
“A pianist with a flair for modernism” The New York Times Music and Architecture have been linked philosophically and physically since at least the time of the ancient Greeks. In today’s world, some of these connections have been forgotten, while others have only become possible with new technology. The world of virtual reality, digital audio, wifi, and miniaturized electronics are opening up a magnificent spectrum of options. Guy Livingston studied music and architecture at Yale University. He is currently in residence at a former embassy in The Hague, designed by
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