Alexandra Arshanskaya, painter
Aletta Becker, radiomaker and director
Ben, building manager for West
Ali al Hadaui, negotiator and mediator
Stephie Kolman, producer for Slagwerk Den Haag
Laurence Callendret, pharmaceutical manager
René ten Cate, jazz musician
Foued, fitness trainer
Jeroen Kolman, sales rep
Saskia Lankhoorn, pianist and curator
Yun Lee, artist
DJ Lego
Dana La Monda, photographer
Nanda Milbreta, sound artist
Nubim, composer
Maria Sperling, project coordinator
Marijke Reinarz, retired from the Dutch foreign service
Gerrit Vennema, poet and musician
Saskia de Vin, community builder
Additional thanks to all the many people who helped me artistically: Nanda, Guillaume, Gijs and Carianne, Aletta, Alanna, Anders, Ned; and to my family, who spent quarantine with me, whether they wanted to or not.
This series was supported by a “Promise” grant from Stroom Den Haag.
Sound design by Erik Hense (WOTH Music).
most of the piano music was composed and performed by myself, with these wonderful exceptions: Guillaume Marcenac, who wrote and performed La Mer; Alanna Battat, who wrote and performed Waiting; and Saskia Lankhoorn, who performed Inner Life, which was composed by Calliope Tsoupaki.
you can find out more about my projects, performances, and podcasts here: Guy Livingston