Tag: lecture

extra media page for Guy’s Presentation (Linz)

References Barthes, R. (2005). The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978) (R. Krauss & D. Hollier, Trans.). Columbia University Press. Beethoven Sonatas Pollini DG 4838250 [SG] Classical Music Reviews: March 2020—MusicWeb-International. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2024, from http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2020/Mar/Beethoven_Pollini_4838250.htm Beethoven Sonatas Richter BRILLIANT CLASSICS 94399 [RMo]: Classical Music Reviews—March 2013 MusicWeb-International. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2024, from http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2013/Mar13/Beethoven_Richter_94399.htm Brendel, A. (1976). Musical Thoughts & Afterthoughts. Robson Books. Fischer-Lichte, E. (2008). Reality and Fiction in Contemporary Theatre. Theatre Research International, 33(1), 84–96. Cambridge Core. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0307883307003410 Greenleaf, C. (2010, April

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Lecture on Markers for Performed Silence (in Beethoven)

DFSMT 25th Anniversary Music Theory Conference: presentation entitled, “Embodied markers for silence” (Amsterdam Conservatory, March 2, 2024) These images illustrate embodiments of silence in Beethoven’s opus 111 piano sonata (first four bars): References Barthes, R. (2005). The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978) (R. Krauss & D. Hollier, Trans.). Columbia University Press. Brooks, W., Hornby, E., & Doctor, J. (2017). Silence, Music, Silent Music (N. Losseff, Ed.). Routledge. Cage, J. (1961). Silence: Lectures and Writings. Wesleyan University Press. Hodkinson, J. (2007). Presenting Absence: Constitutive Silences in Music

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The Speed of Silence

The Speed of Silence (english below) McGowan en Livingston doen – naast hun bestaan als kunstenaars – artistiek onderzoek (PhD) aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ned McGowan onderzoekt het fenomeen snelheid in muziek, vanuit een uitvoerende en compositorische invalshoek. Guy Livingston onderzoekt stilte en de vele aspecten ervan, vooral in hedendaagse muziek en architectuur, en maakt daarnaast een serie podcasts over dit onderwerp. performing at Studio “The Bug”, in the former US embassy of The Hague. photo by Matilda Arvidsson Een recent concert, februari jl., tijdens het Leidse festival, Peel Slowly

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Paris 1920s

Paris is a moveable feast Ernest Hemingway It is hard not to be intrigued by the period between the two wars, in which Paris flourished, and artists thrived. Montparnasse became legendary for its café life, as expats and locals fought their fights, argued over cubism, fashion, and politics, and lived their love affairs dramatically in the public eye. Key american figures were Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and George Antheil. From the French side, Kiki of Montparnasse, Erik Satie, and Jean Cocteau fueled the passions and artisitic explorations of a generation.

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