Tag: one minute more

Don’t Panic: 60 Seconds

“a feast for the eye and for the ear” — Radio 4, Holland

4 degrees above zero

Sixty Videos, Sixty Composers, Sixty World Premieres by and for Guy Livingston


“What if 60 composers from 18 countries each wrote 60 seconds for solo piano?” Don’t Panic! Livingston handles the show with an expert vison and masterful storytelling skills. Anecdotes of composers and mishaps are mixed with insight into the very nature of time.

Featured on the front page of the New York Times, in Le Monde, and on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition.

Ruby, music by David Dramm;
film by Menno Otten
Little Angel, music by Peter Klatzow;
film by Juan de Graaf
Last Minute Tango, music by Frank J. Oteri; film by Thijs Schreuder
The Piece that Anton Webern Wrote, music by Anders Jallen;
film by Nelleke Koop

“A great performance, visually and musically”
— NRC Handelsblad

Interview on National Public Radio
Music by Marek Zebrowski, performed by Guy Livingston