Category: PhD


In dit onderzoeksproject heb ik geëxperimenteerd met de uitvoering van stiltes. Wanneer een uitvoerend musicus zich bewust wordt van de rol die stilte speelt (hoe stilte zich gedraagt en wat stilte doet) kunnen er nieuwe ideeën voor het uitvoeren van stilte ontstaan. Welke contexten kunnen muzikale stiltes beïnvloeden? Aan welke stiltes nemen uitvoerende musici of toehoorders (on)vrijwillig deel? En hoe kunnen uitvoerende musici omgaan met de diverse dimensies van stilte in gecomponeerde muziek? Deze onderzoeksvragen, geworteld in de uitvoeringspraktijk, vormen de basis voor mijn verkenning van het verband tussen genoteerde

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Dissertation Summary (english)

In this research project, I have experimented with the performance of silences. When a performer discerns the role that silence plays (how it acts and what it does), new ideas may emerge for performing silence. What are the contexts that potentially affect musical silences? What are the silences in which performers or audiences willingly or unwillingly participate? And how can performers engage with the multiple dimensions of silence in composed music? Through these research questions, rooted in the act of performance, I have explored the relationship between notated rests and

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Press Release: Completion of PhD Research on the Performance of Silence

Leiden University, December 10, 2024, 13h00 In his dissertation, Performing Musical Silence: Markers, Gestures, and Embodiments, Guy Livingston investigates the role of silence in music performance, focusing on the relationship between notated rests and “audible” silences. Central to the research is the introduction of the concept of “markers,” which are cues—whether audible, visible, or embodied—that communicate information about silence and sound to both performers and audiences. These markers can shape or summon silence, affecting its perception and interpretation in performance. Livingston’s research is rooted in performance practice and examines the

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