Don’t Panic: sixty seconds for piano
“Daring to be New” —Allan Kozinn, The New York Times
“All about risk” —Sports Illustrated
“Bravura emblematic of the richness than one minute can
hold… A postmodern fantasy.. Superbly shows off Guy
Livingston’s vocal and fingerwork virtuosity.”
—Le Monde
“The composers create radical and independent worlds, full of charm or anguish.” Coup de Coeur Award —Piano Magazine
“Cutting Edge”—Paris Free Voice
“Taking Excess to Extremes” —Bernard Holland, The New York Times
The CD mixes a wide range of new music styles ranging from jazzy and neo-classical works through virtuosic- serialism and unsettling performance-art. Dutch minimalist Louis Andriessen, Rome Prize winner Derek Bermel, agent provocateur Atsushi Yoshinaka, multi-instrumentalist Elliott Sharp, Guggenheim Fellow and genre-bender Donal Fox, and Pulitzer-prize winner William Bolcom lead off a list of talented composers. This is a brilliant new CD on Wergo Records (Germany) created by American pianist Guy Livingston to showcase the endless possibilities of new turn-of-the-century music: This is not your father’s piano recital.
Speed Study 1, by Dan Warburton
WENDIGO, by Jonathan Katz
Losing it again, by Daniel Landau
What if I just said…, by Carl Faia

Step out of the Car, by Roger Kleier
The Scream, by Donal Fox
Database of Desire, by James Baiye
“scendi un minuto”, by Roberto Andreoni
Mason and Dixon, by Brian Escriv
Brooklyn, October 5, 1941, by Annie Gosfield
re: dance (PNMR), by Paul Beaudoin
Ex tempore, by Marek Zebrowski
not [an] anfang, by Louis Andriessen
Spangles, by Christopher Culpo
42 Second Piano, by Isak Goldschneider
Conflict of Interest, by Richard Brooks
Joke, by Danielle Baas
Cowboy Song, by Charles Shadle
Who asked you?, by Sophie de Wit
EIGHT 8, by Pepe-Tonino Caravaggio
Watermelon Revisited, by T.J. Anderson
The Kodaly Method, by Paul Von Hippel
NA’OU’RA (the Wedding Dance), by Eilon Aviram
59” of Piano, by Jonathan Norton
cold springs branch, 10 p.m., by Alan Frederick Shockley
Hammerklavier XI, by Moritz Eggert
MEDITATION, by Derek Bermel
Tonal Imagery, by Tuyet A. Tran
Slusha, for C.E., by Fritz Lauer
A 60-second Ballet (for chickens), by William Bolcom
Two-Chord Warp, by Joshua Cody
GIRO 1, by Joanna Bailie
1’ de Tonio Kröger, by Martial Robert
Absolutis-s, by Patricia Elizabeth Martinez
PASSATEMPO, by Riccardo Vaglini
im afraid you might ask for a fragment of my soul, by Gene Pritsker
Nakano-ku (à S.D.), by Newt Hinton
Moondrunk, by Ketty Nez
xxx.rhapsody, by Patrick Callahan
prelude 1, by Yoichi Togawa
Punch and Judy’s Waltz, by Barbara Engel
Miro Sketch: Mostly Yellow, by Joseph (Butch) Rovan
Sonata Moirai, by Frederick Frahm
Jenseits des Guten und des Bösen, by Victor Ekimovsky
Verschiebung, by Alper Maral
Piano Piece for Guy, by Stéphane Leach
piece for paws, by Ketzel Cotel
DD (Double D), by Vanessa Lann
Minute Rice, by Walter Haven
Saltarello for Guy, by Giovanni Mancuso
Polis, by Sergio Pallante
réveil, by D. Andrew Stewart
Snaps, by Elliott Sharp
Specks, by Robert Eidschun
Prelude, by Lionel Sainsbury
Tight, by Rick Carrick
Thinking, by Walter Sanchez
HARU NO YOI-Miyabi no Uta, by Atsushi Yoshinaka
Parce-que je le vaux bien, by Atanasio Khyrsh
Theft, by Lansing D. McLoskey