Tag: film


Much to my astonishment, I have become briefly (and marginally) famous for my role (miniscule) in a film about Hollywood beauty Hedy Lamarr. Not only was she the sexiest woman on screen in the 1940s and 50s, but she also was an inventor, and worked with my favorite composer, George Antheil, on a patent for a “secret communications device”. Although nothing came of their brilliant invention, it turned out to be a stunning preview of frequency hopping, a technique which is used in wifi and cell phones, and makes our

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Don’t Panic: 60 Seconds

“a feast for the eye and for the ear” — Radio 4, Holland Sixty Videos, Sixty Composers, Sixty World Premieres by and for Guy Livingston “What if 60 composers from 18 countries each wrote 60 seconds for solo piano?” Don’t Panic! Livingston handles the show with an expert vison and masterful storytelling skills. Anecdotes of composers and mishaps are mixed with insight into the very nature of time. Featured on the front page of the New York Times, in Le Monde, and on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition. “A great performance,

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